Saturday, 15 September 2007

102nd Post Competition

To celebrate my 102nd post I am going to give away one of these hand felted leaf brooches!

So, to win one just post me a message telling me why you should have one.


  1. It's beautiful! Great job!

    I wouldn't mind getting my hands on one of those brooches. :-) I have a little black sweater that it would look perfect on. And I'd love to send you a set of applique coasters in return, if you'd like!

  2. Thanks for your comment! And what a great day to come visiting your blog. Happy 102nd.
    And why me? Because I think your brooch is un-be-leaf-a-bul. Groan!

  3. i´m a shetland wool so i think i sould have that fab brooch hi hi hi
