Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Denim Christmas Trees

I am taking part in a Crazy Craft Extravaganser for Parents and under 5's, at the Limelight Family Learning Centre next Wendnesday and I needed to find something simple for Parents to do while their children played.

I started to work on a sewn, stuffed ornament to hang on the tree, but it was a bit big and lumpy and I wasn't too happy with it. Then this idea popped up on CRAFT: made by One Crafty Mumma

I have loads of scrap material from curtain samples and tons of buttons so these will be perfect. We will be handsewing them, so I will do a few examples to see if that works.
Tim, the Family Learning Officer for Limelight had the idea for the craft session; there will be Card and decoration making, decorating biscuits to hang on your tree, Christmas tree decoration making for adults, mince pies, music, baby area plus more Christmas craftyness, all for £1.00 pre child!! and Arc (arts and craft resourses for sale) will be there.
Wednesday 19th December, 10am-12noon, Limelight Family Learning Centre, Castillon Road, SE6 (if you fancy popping along)
If the session is a success, here's hoping for more in the New Year!


  1. I hope they turn out well for you :O)
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog too!

  2. They are so cute and given me an idea for next years tree. Even though I am trying to be more eco-friendly, I have decided that my Christmas of 11 years is finally past it.

    The craft extravaganser sounds wonderful. I hope you have lots of fun!

  3. Your trees are so cute! I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

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